Coaching in esports – A review of current litterature 2021

Coaching in esports All over the world, Esports is a fast-growing sports industry, with games like CS:GO and League of Legends becoming very popular with enormous platforms. The competition in these games increases, therefore players and coaches must practice many hours a day to perform on a professional level. This calls for the need for […]
Mindset in esports – A review of current litterature 2021

Mindsets role and importance in esport Over the last 10 years, the video gaming industry has seen a dramatic acceleration in growth. Globally more and more people are watching esports. At the same time more people also start playing these esport games. This has led to professional teams competing at a high level, forming professional […]
What is good communication?

What is good communication? When it comes to good communication, there is a lot to consider. Firstly, why is it important to have good communication? When we interact with others, whether it is in a professional or personal setting, we constantly communicate, even when we are saying nothing. Our relationships with other people are made […]
Why communication is important for teamwork in esport

Why communication is important for teamwork in esport Are you looking for ways to optimize your teamwork in esports? Have you ever wondered what psychological factors play a role in esports teamwork? There are, without any doubt, multiple factors that influence better performance as a team. This article examines why communication is important for teamwork […]
Why is it important to have a growth mindset in esport?

Why is it important to have a growth mindset in esport? A growth mindset is important simply because having a fixed mindset stops development in all areas of life. A growth mindset gives you the necessary mentality for the opposite: continual, feedback-driven, and realistic development. To succeed as an esports athlete there is no way […]
Solving conflicts in an esport team

Solving conflicts in an esport team – An important tool? Are you looking for ways to become better at solving conflicts in an esport team? Are you sometimes in doubt, whether you are solving a conflict correct as an esport coach? Conflicts are a major part of work and life. But wouldn’t it be great […]
The risk of groupthink and how to avoid it in your esports team

The risk of groupthink and how to avoid it in your esports team Groupthink is a thiing, that can occur in every team. Groupthink can be a good thing, that can lead to better decision-making in a team. But it can also have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is important for esports teams to know […]
The importance of establishing personalities in esports teams

The importance of establishing personalities in esports teams Are you looking for ways to optimize your team in esports? Do you want to become a well-organized team? A team that can work together despite different personalities? Then this article may be just for you. In this article, we take a look at how understanding […]
Psykologer i København tilbyder metakognitiv terapi
Psykolog i København tilbyder metakognitiv terapi Vores psykologer i København tilbyder metakognitiv terapi. Søger du efter metakognitiv terapi? Måske har du også hørt godt om metakognition? Der er stigende interesse for metakognition i Danmark, og med god grund. Resultaterne fra forskningen i metakognitiv terapi viser sig at være meget lovende. Derfor tilbyder Tricas Psykologerne metakognitiv […]
Hvornår bliver computerspil skadeligt?

At komme ind på børneværelset og se sit barn sidde fuldstændigt opslugt af et eller andet computerspil, der ser ud til at handle om at skyde og slå ihjel, kan få de fleste forældre til at tænke det værste. For hvorfor er ens barn så fascineret af de voldelige spil? Og tager barnet skade af […]