Leadership in eSports

As with all other organized human interaction, eSports needs leaders. Whether we are talking teams, organizations, schools with eSport or even the entire eSports culture, there will always be a need for leaders. Leaders are the figures that step up to the challenge of creating, developing and maintaining eSports projects. They are the ones weaving […]
Building organizations of Gaming and eSports

Why are organizations important for eSports? The potential that is inherent in gaming must not be taken for granted. It is unprecedented in human history that you have a phenomenon that motivates and captures such a broad and diverse audience. From the people playing complex online games with millions of possibilities to the people playing […]
Structured meetings in eSports teams

Why does eSports teams need structured meetings? One of the strongest and most important features of professional development is teamwork. As any leader or even sports professional whether they could have achieved what they do without the help of a great team, and you will get the same answer. Translating this wisdom directly into the […]
Perspectives on addictive behaviors of gaming and “internet gaming disorder”

When we consider gaming to be a possible source of addiction, it is important that we do not fall into the lure of just blaming the game. In order to understand some of the factors of addictive behavior around computer games, this e-booklet will cover some of the current research as well as examine how […]