Hvornår bliver computerspil skadeligt?
At komme ind på børneværelset og se sit barn sidde fuldstændigt opslugt af et eller andet computerspil, der ser ud til at handle om at skyde og slå ihjel, kan få de fleste forældre til at tænke det værste. For hvorfor er ens barn så fascineret af de voldelige spil? Og tager barnet skade af […]
Er computerspil reelt et problem for dit barn?
Sindene kan nemt komme i kog, når talen falder på børn og unges forbrug af computerspil og ikke sjældent bliver artikler om, hvordan vores børn tager skade af spillene, delt i rigt mål på de sociale medier. Og ja, der er helt bestemt problemer ved computerspil, som vi skal kunne tale om – åbent, respektfuldt […]
Building blocks for an esports athletes’ life
Since the dawn of the esports scene, athletes have been looking for the perfect way to achieve greatness in their game. From gaming-houses to hermit-lifestyle, a vast array of attempts has been made to crack the code of “the perfect gaming lifestyle”. This article will not attempt to give a recipe for the “perfect esports […]
Growth mindset in esport
Why is it important to have a growth mindset in esport? A growth mindset is important simply because having a fixed mindset stops development in all areas of life. A growth mindset gives you the necessary mentality for the opposite: continual, feedback-driven and realistic development. To succeed as an esports athlete there is no […]
Understand yourself and your team better – The cognitive diamond.
Understand yourself and your team better – The cognitive diamant Why is it important to understand ourselves and each other better in eSports? The most important tool in esport is your head. It is the ability to understand yourself and others, that will ultimately be the key for you to succeed as an eSports athlete. […]
Positive og negative effekter af computerspil
Forventede og undersøgte positive og negative effekter af computerspil Har du nogensinde undret dig over hvilke positive og negative effekter der er af computerpspil? Hvad det egentligt gør ved vores sind og adfærd når vi spiller computerspil? Denne artikel præsenterer nogle af de resultater som forskningen har givet os. Undersøgelserne er udvalgt på baggrund af […]
Computer games as a community enhancing interest.
Why should we use computer games to enhance communities? Rarely, if ever, have there been a factor as motivating in human life, as computer games. Numbers from around the world, suggest that half the world population in one way or another has interacted with computer games. In Europe, the amount of young people playing computer, […]
Gaming og Forældre
Hvorfor skal du læse netop denne artikel? Der er ingen i et barns liv der er vigtigere, end dets forældre. Børn tilbringer langt det meste af deres unge liv sammen med deres forældre. De kopierer deres forældres adfærd. De lytter og lærer fra kommunikationen med deres forældre. De får al deres omsorg igennem deres forældre. […]
Leadership in eSports
As with all other organized human interaction, eSports needs leaders. Whether we are talking teams, organizations, schools with eSport or even the entire eSports culture, there will always be a need for leaders. Leaders are the figures that step up to the challenge of creating, developing and maintaining eSports projects. They are the ones weaving […]
Building organizations of Gaming and eSports
Why are organizations important for eSports? The potential that is inherent in gaming must not be taken for granted. It is unprecedented in human history that you have a phenomenon that motivates and captures such a broad and diverse audience. From the people playing complex online games with millions of possibilities to the people playing […]