Why is it important to have a growth mindset in esport?

Why is it important to have a growth mindset in esport? A growth mindset is important simply because having a fixed mindset stops development in all areas of life. A growth mindset gives you the necessary mentality for the opposite: continual, feedback-driven, and realistic development. To succeed as an esports athlete there is no way […]

Growth mindset in esport

  Why is it important to have a growth mindset in esport? A growth mindset is important simply because having a fixed mindset stops development in all areas of life. A growth mindset gives you the necessary mentality for the opposite: continual, feedback-driven and realistic development. To succeed as an esports athlete there is no […]

Understand yourself and your team better – The cognitive diamond.

Understand yourself and your team better – The cognitive diamant Why is it important to understand ourselves and each other better in eSports? The most important tool in esport is your head. It is the ability to understand yourself and others, that will ultimately be the key for you to succeed as an eSports athlete. […]

Positive og negative effekter af computerspil

Forventede og undersøgte positive og negative effekter af computerspil Har du nogensinde undret dig over hvilke positive og negative effekter der er af computerpspil? Hvad det egentligt gør ved vores sind og adfærd når vi spiller computerspil? Denne artikel præsenterer nogle af de resultater som forskningen har givet os. Undersøgelserne er udvalgt på baggrund af […]

Narrativ Terapi

Hvorfor anvender man narrativ terapi? Narrativ terapi handler om vores historier. Vi forstår os selv igennem de historier vi fortæller os selv og hinanden. Historier er den meningsdrivende mekanisme, som vi som mennesker anvender til at skabe det indre billede af os selv, såvel som andre. Det er langt fra ny viden i psykologien, og […]